Courses and Events
Lent Lunches are being held again this year. Each Sunday in Lent there will be a Lunch held at one of our local churches. The Lent Lunches are organised by the Poulton Christian Aid Group. Each church in turn, hosts a lunch of soup and bread, for which we are asked to donate to Christian Aid the cost of a Sunday lunch. This year the dates and venues are as follows: Sunday 9th March St. Martin and St. Hilda’s Church, Carleton, 16th March United Reform Church, 23rd March St. John’s R.C. Church to be held at Carleton, 30th March No lunch - Mothering Sunday, 6th April Methodist Church, Poulton, 13th April St. Chad’s Church to be held at Carleton (Palm Sunday). All these lunches start at 12.30pm. We do hope that you will be able to join us at some of the lunches, if not all of them. You will enjoy fellowship with people from other congregations, some delicious soup and support the work of Christian Aid.
St Chad's Church prayer meetings
Bishop Philip has released 5 short videos focusing on prayer and learning from the prayers of different biblical characters:
• Personal Prayer (Hannah) - 10th March
• Ambitious Prayer (Elijah) - 14th April
• Hopeful Prayer (Ezekiel) - 12th May
• Communal Prayer (Esther) - 9th June
• Constant Prayer (Daniel) - 14th July
We will use these videos at our monthly prayer meetings which take place in church at 6.30-7.30pm on the second Monday of each month (see the dates shown above). Everyone is welcome to join us as we continue to pray that God would help us as a church to make disciples, to be witnesses, to grow leaders and to inspire children and young people.
Ecumenical Lent Course with Poulton Churches Together
This year our Ecumenical Lent Groups will be studying "Women of Holy Week" by Paula Gooder. There will be Wednesday evening sessions in St Chad's 7.30 pm to 9.00pm, beginning on March 12th, and one at the same time on Thursday evenings at Poulton Methodist Church, commencing on March 13th. Participants are free to join either group, or move between the two to suit your availability each week. Please help yourself to a course booklet free of charge. Copies of the Diocesan Lent study Course on Prayer are available for collection in Church today, including large print copies.
Prayer triplets.
Ahead of the Blackburn Diocese Centenary year in
2026 Bishop Philip is encouraging all parish churches to make 2025 a
year of prayer and in particular to pray for growth in our churches.
One idea which Lee Gascoigne has found helpful and encouraging
in the past is “prayer triplets” i.e. three people meeting together
weekly/regularly at their convenience to pray together. Everyone is
welcome to join in and so if you would like to be in a prayer triplet,
please let Lee know and she will link you up with two other people.
Lee can be contacted on 07771 797042 or