Those who live within the Parish and can with integrity make the affirmations required within Baptism, may have their children baptised at St Chad’s. Baptisms are normally held in the Parish Church on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 12.30pm but this pattern is subject to change. That said arrangements can be made easily and you are invited to contact the Revd. Martin on 01253 883086.
Discover all you need to know about Church of England Baptisms at the following link.
When we bring our children to be christened, as parents and godparents we are beginning their faith journey with them, we are making a public commitment to bring them up within Christian values, to know God and his love for them.
This can feel like a daunting task. So, we would like to help you explore how your child can grow in the Christian faith and point you towards some helpful resources. Sadly our "One More Step" evenings are on hold at the moment but if you want to find out a little more about baptism you are warmly invited to contact the Revd. Martin on 01253 883086.